

Hello and Welcome to my blog! It’s pretty cool that you came to read what I’m about, I thought it might just be my dad and fiancé reading along (Hi dad and fiancé)!

My name is Katerina, but my friends know me as Kat. I started my photography journey when I was 13 years old playing around with my dad’s 30mm film camera, wasting film (if you ask him), in his garden, or taking landscapes photos on our family road trips. It was my early 20’s when I was lost and trying to find my way, looking to do something that fulfilled my heart and soul, that I decided to take my hobby of photography more seriously and head to photography school. Up until then, I never put people in my photographs either, as my true passion had been travel and nature photography. This eventually led me to journalism school. So follow along with me here, as I embark on this new adventure and snap some shots along the way! I promise I’ll always keep it real on here – It’s the name of my game. #keepingitrealwithkat